My Australian friend “Bob” wants to send me a secret, but he is scared of attackers. He told me that he knows some forensics tricks and sent me this image, would you help to reveal his message?
Note: Part of this challenge is inspired by Going Postal
challenge from DaVinciCTF 2022
when opening the attached msg.jpg we can see that there is an **Australia Post 4-State Barcode **at the top. by entering the barcode in the image ATDFFDDADDAADAADFAFAFFAFATAFAAATADTAFDTDDDDDDDTTTTTTTTADAFFFAFAAAAT
we get the following data
by running the command steghide extract -sf msg.jpg -p K4N64r00zz
using the customer information we just got from the Post Barcode
we get a password locked .zip file.
we can then try to unlock the file using john
zip2john ./POSTAL/ > johnfile
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt johnfile
we get the password baltimore
which can be used to view the text file and the flag.gpg
nice you are close
do you know gpg....?
I think you have the password just get back to your notes :)
so we know we have already found the password somewhere.
trying out the values we got from the Australian post barcode we find that the password is 78475110
we just need to decrypt the gpg encrypted flag with the password and submit it